PSCC Annual Haul-out Auction

It’s time for the annual PSCC haul out and bottom paint auction!  Every boat needs a haul out and bottom paint from time-to-time.  Support your club and bid on this year’s gift certificate from CSR Marine.  Here are the details:

  • Free haul and block
  • Free pressure wash
  • Free lay days (3)
  • 20% off bottom paint labor and materials
  • Discounts applied up to 36 feet. Boats over 36 feet receive the maximum discount at 36′.

Auction rules:

  1. Minimum bid is $500
  2. All auction bids must be submitted by midnight Pacific time on 3/31/2023.
  3. Submit your bid to Andy at In the subject line of your bid please use “PSCC 2023 haul out auction bid”
  4. The winner will be notified in early April. Payment by check or PayPal must be received by PSCC within 10 days of notification of winning bid.
  5. In the event of two equal bids, the first one received shall be selected as the winner.
  6. This auction is open to all PSCC members. If you are not currently a member, you can join PSCC for a $50 lifetime membership.

Please share this far and wide.  All proceeds benefit PSCC.

PSCC appreciates the annual support from CSR Marine!