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PSCC Cruise to Brownsville (Mar 31 – Apr 2)

The March cruise is to Brownsville Marina the weekend of Mar 31 – Apr 2 (moved back a week from original calendar due to marina availability).  Charlie O’Hern on SV Tangent is cruise leader and has reserved 6 slips so there should be plenty of room for everyone who is able to come. The guest moorage rate is $1.50/ft plus $4.00/day for power.

Although there is a good deli at the marina, Brownsville does not have a town with restaurants so we will be on our own for meals.  There is an activity shelter where we can have a potluck dinner on Saturday evening and perhaps a followup brunch Sunday morning.

On this weekend the ebb tides are in the afternoon, so to arrive via Rich Passage or Agate Pass the currents are most favorable around noon.


PSCC Cruise to Brownsville (Mar 31 – Apr 2) Read More »

PSCC February Cruise to Port Orchard

The February cruise will be to Port Orchard marina on February 25-26.

Scott and Donna (SV Celestial) are cruise leaders. Some notes from Scott: It looks like a very easy entrance and tie-up with picnic tables and a covered gathering pavilion right next to our boats. We are planning 5pm dinner at Brick House, 2 blocks away and potluck Sunday breakfast.

Please let Gabbie Garland at the marina know if you are coming (360-876-5535). The cost is $40 nightly for 40 ft and $1 a foot beyond 40 ft. If it is last minute, just come, as there lots of empty spaces right where we all will be and the marina is ok with tying up and then checking in.

Marina entrance 47° 32′ 40.212″ N 122° 38′ 22.158″ W

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PSCC February Meeting: “Off the Beaten Trail” in Southeast Alaska

Elsie and Steve Hulsizer, veterans of 7 trips to SE Alaska will share their favorite off-the-beaten-track destinations and show you how to cruise safely among glaciers, ice and bears, and why you should visit Alaskan Native villages.

Elsie Hulsizer is an author and photographer of the books Glaciers, Bears and Totems: Sailing in Search of the Real Southeast Alaska and Voyages to Windward, Sailing Adventures on Vancouver Island’s West Coast.

The meeting will be held at our new location at the Puget Sound Yacht Club.  Zoom is also available for those unable to attend in-person.

  • When: Friday February 17 at 7:00pm PST.
  • Where: Puget Sound Yacht Club | 2321 N Northlake Way, Seattle, WA 98103
  • Zoom Link: coming soon (check club email list)

Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club.  The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!

PSCC February Meeting: “Off the Beaten Trail” in Southeast Alaska Read More »

PSCC January Meeting – Bouncing around the Western Atlantic by Ross and Kam

Please join us in person Friday January 20th at 7:00pm at the Puget Sound Yacht Club for our monthly club meeting and presentation: Bouncing around the Western Atlantic! by Ross Mahon and Kam Boulle

Ross Mahon and Kam Boulle will recount some of their adventures while cruising the US East Coast, Bahamas, and beyond in their Malo 40, s/v Spindrift. They bought a boat, quit their jobs, rented out their houses and headed out on a great adventure, which of course didn’t turn out as planned. Come join us as they tell their story about sailing, visiting new places and cultures, and of course boat maintenance.

The meeting will be held at our new location at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. Zoom is also available for those unable to attend in-person.

Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!

PSCC January Meeting – Bouncing around the Western Atlantic by Ross and Kam Read More »

2023 Cruise Schedule

The 2023 cruising calendar for PSCC is now posted here. We have many exciting trips coming up in the new year! If you’re interested in being cruise leader for a cruise that doesn’t have one yet, please contact us.

Just a reminder that you can always find the current year’s cruising schedule on the homepage to the right of the upcoming events list, under the heading “2023 Cruising Calendar.”

2023 Cruise Schedule Read More »

November Meeting: Hard Lessons Learned from Ocean Cruising by David Content & Roslyn Steward

Ros and David will tell stories from dropping the anchor to the helicopter hoist and the practices they have learned to try to stay out of trouble.

The meeting will be held at our new location at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. Zoom is also available for those unable to attend in-person.

David and Roslyn started sailing together in 2011 on the 2nd Barefoot, a 43ft custom-built aluminum sloop, designed by Angelo Lavranos and built by Dearden Marine in Gibsons, British Columbia.

David has ocean-sailed more than 110,000 nm over the last 30 years in the North and South Pacific, including high latitude sailing in Chile, Fjiordland and Stewart Is. New Zealand and Tasmania, crossing Bass Strait six times.

Roslyn started sailing in Australia 40 years ago. She has ocean-sailed about 45,000nm over the last 30 years, in the North and South Pacific and North Atlantic. Roslyn sailed and lived aboard her cruising yacht in Darwin Australia and in Papua New Guinea for 6 years.

On this cruise they departed Shilshole in September 2011 sailing down the coast, through Mexico to the Galapagos. From there to the Austral Islands, then north to the Society Islands, then NW to Pukapuka in the northern Cook Islands. From there to American Samoa, Samoa, Tonga and New Zealand. They circumnavigated New Zealand, and sailed north to the islands each season, spending the annual cyclone seasons in Australia or New Zealand.

From March 2020 they were restricted to New Zealand with the onset of Covid, along with many international sailboats. In June this year David, with one crew, sailed directly from New Zealand to Port Angeles, with a 4-day refueling stop in Fiji, an approximately 7,200nm passage.


Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!

November Meeting: Hard Lessons Learned from Ocean Cruising by David Content & Roslyn Steward Read More »

PSCC October Pumpkin Cruise to Port Madison

Join the Puget Sound Cruising Club for our October Pumpkin Cruise to Port Madison, October 29th and 30th.

We’ll raft up in Port Madison Saturday afternoon, then dinghy to the Port Madison Yacht Club for pumpkin carving and a potluck dinner. Bring your pumpkin and tools if you have them. If you can’t make the raft up, consider driving over for the pumpkin carving and potluck. We’d love to see you there! Directions here.

Members of the PMYC are invited to join as well. The plan is to start carving pumpkins at 4:30pm-ish and start dinner prep around 5:30pm-ish.

Sunday morning, Mike and Nita have graciously offered to host a potluck breakfast at their house again this year. We’ll walk a short distance to their house from the PMYC dock and arrive at 9:30am.

Monitor VHF Channel 69. First to arrive, put your hook down, fenders out, and fly your burgee.


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October 21 Meeting: Princess Louisa Inlet flotilla


Join us in person this Friday for our October meeting – Puget Sound Cruising Club’s Princess Louisa Flotilla!  Club member Jeff Johnson and crew will be presenting on last summer’s flotilla to Princess Louisa Inlet. Four boats with several PSCC members organized a 16 day sailing trip to beautiful Princess Louisa Inlet in late June and early July 2022.  The flotilla was joined by several additional club boats during stops at 10 locations in British Columbia and Washington.  Jeff and crew will show photos and discuss some great sailing destinations!

The meeting will be held at our new location at the Puget Sound Yacht Club.  Zoom is also available for those unable to attend in-person.

  • When: Friday October 21st at 7:00pm PDT.
  • Where: Puget Sound Yacht Club
    2321 N Northlake Way, Seattle, WA 98103
    Google Maps directions

The meeting is open to all but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here.  See you there!

October 21 Meeting: Princess Louisa Inlet flotilla Read More »

2022 Annual PSCC Tequila Race And Raft-Up In Blakely Harbor

PSCC presents the annual Tequila Race on Saturday September 24th. The race starts between 9am and 11:30am-ish at West Point buoy. The course continues south for a circumnavigation of Blake Island. See the Tequila Race Rules 2022 (PDF) and check the PSCC email list for details and questions.

Following the race, there will be a raft-up in Blakely Harbor with a potluck dinner and award ceremony Saturday evening. Weather is looking fairly decent so far.  Good luck!

2022 Annual PSCC Tequila Race And Raft-Up In Blakely Harbor Read More »