December 2023

January Meeting: PSCC Flotilla to Barkley Sound from Summer 2023

On January 19th the participants of the 2nd annual PSCC flotilla will be presenting the exploits of our 3 week trip from Seattle to Barkley Sound last summer. This was a big adventure for some of us, as it involved going out into the big ocean! Join us to see how it went, and maybe you will want to join us on the next flotilla!

Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!

January Meeting: PSCC Flotilla to Barkley Sound from Summer 2023 Read More »

PSCC New Years Eve Cruise to Blakely Harbor

The PSCC December cruise is to Blakely Harbor for New Years Eve. The trip is 7.3 NM from Shilshole. Dana on S/V Rubigale is cruise leader and will probably arrive Sat Dec 30 to stake our claim on the anchorage.

Photo Copyright Lee Youngblood, 2018.

The Basics

Arrive December 31 before dark and plan to anchor-raft up with the group. If you have a dinghy with a decent sized motor that could be helpful for getting people into position/dinghying out anchors. I would prefer that we have an anchor out for every 2 boats in the raft in opposite directions to prevent swing and crossing anchors.

  • The anchorage is mostly 25-35’ in depth. Low tide is 1:39am Jan 1 at 0.61 ft and a corresponding high at 9:02am at 12.14 ft.
  • Plan on hors d’oevres and visiting just before sunset which is 4:29:05pm, then back to your own boat for dinner.
  • 7:30p games are available or just mingling if you prefer. I have Cards Against Humanity, Trivial Pursuit, Uno, Phase 10, Mexican Train (dominoes) and Yahtzee for multiplayer and assorted 2 player games as well.
  • Midnight- watch Seattle fireworks and toast to 2024!
  • On Jan 1 plan on breaking the raft at noon which leaves plenty of time to get home before dark.

Please let Dana know (her email is on the PSCC email list message) if you plan to attend, how many people, your length, and if you can be an anchor boat. Please put out fenders and have lines ready on both sides.

We’ll be monitoring channel 72.


Photos from the successful cruise!:

PSCC New Years Eve Cruise to Blakely Harbor Read More »