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February Club Meeting – Tips and Tricks for Chartering in the Caribbean – Shez and Michelle’s big adventure

Join us for the February club meeting on Zoom – February 18, 2022 @ 6pm.  Shez and Michelle Tucker will share some of their experience chartering sailboats in the Caribbean. They have done it a number of times including most recently under Pandemic travel protocols. The presentation will focus on the British Virgin Islands.

  • When: February 18, 2022 @ 6pm PST
  • Where: Zoom (virtual)
  • Join Zoom Meeting  Meeting ID: 839 0580 3236  Passcode: 459266

Reminder: Club meetings have a suggested $5 donation to support club expenses, which you can send by Paypal or credit/debit card here

February Club Meeting – Tips and Tricks for Chartering in the Caribbean – Shez and Michelle’s big adventure Read More »

2022 Haul Out and Bottom Paint Auction!

The 2022 PSCC Haul Out and Bottom Paint Auction (gift certificate to CSR boatyard) is starting now! Submit your bid by March 6. All proceeds benefit PSCC.

Gift certificate from CSR entitles the bearer to haul out, pressure wash, 3 lay days in the yard, and 20% off the bottom paint material and labor for monohull boats up to 36 feet. For boats over 36 feet, a similar discount is applied. Approximate value $1,100 (for a 36 foot boat).

Auction Rules

  1. Minimum bid is $500.00
  2. All auction bids must be submitted by midnight Pacific time on Sunday March 6, 2022. Submit your bid to In the subject line of your bid please use “PSCC 2022 fundraiser – bottom paint/haul out at CSR Boatyard”. Please include a good phone number to reach you at along with your bid.
  3. Winner will be notified in early March. Payment by check or PayPal must be received by PSCC within 10 days of notification.
  4. In the event of two equal bids, the first one received shall be selected as the winner.
  5. Auction is open to all PSCC members. If you are not currently a member, you can join PSCC for a $50 lifetime membership.

PSCC appreciates the annual support from CSR Marine!

2022 Haul Out and Bottom Paint Auction! Read More »

PSCC January Club meeting on Zoom – Seattle Center for Wooden Boats by Josh Anderson (Executive Director)

In PSCC’s January meeting, Josh Anderson, executive director at the Center for Wooden Boats (CWB), will tell us about the organization’s mission and programs.  The Center for Wooden Boats is one of Seattle’s most beloved maritime heritage organizations and a national leader in traditional boat education for people of all ages. The CWB is a hands-on maritime museum where the public is encouraged to use the boats and enjoy Seattle’s rich maritime tradition.

“Wooden boats have a special way of connecting people. There is no greater feeling than a tiller in hand and wind in the sails, gliding through the water in a vessel you poured your heart into, made of natural materials. CWB excels at harnessing this feeling to link countless individuals with their natural environment, internal determination, sense of history, and to one another. It is a true privilege to spend every day working among this amazing community.”  ~ Josh Anderson

  • When:  Friday Jan 21, 2022 – 6:00 PM Pacific Time
  • Where: Zoom (Virtual)
  • Join the Zoom Meeting (Meeting ID: 820 0250 7427 Passcode: 913737)

PSCC January Club meeting on Zoom – Seattle Center for Wooden Boats by Josh Anderson (Executive Director) Read More »

Navigating the Canadian Border Re-opening with a Trip to Desolation Sound

Is there such a thing as a Desolation Sound with empty marinas, half-empty anchorages and deserted hiking trails? Indeed there is. Join us to hear from PSCC member Alan on how two PSCC boats (Corps of Discovery and Morning Star) navigated the Canadian border-opening maze and made it to Desolation Sound for a two week cruise.

  • When: Friday December 17, 2021, 6pm Pacific time
  • Where: Zoom (Virtual)
  • Join the Zoom Meeting (Meeting ID: 817 4097 1089 Passcode: 596321)


Navigating the Canadian Border Re-opening with a Trip to Desolation Sound Read More »

PSCC November cruise – November 27/28 – Brownsville

This month the club will cruise to Brownsville. Brownsville is a quiet marina where slips are easy to come by. There is a shelter area and fire pit which is first come/first serve.

Remember on club cruises, please fly your burgee and monitor VHF 69.

If you are interested in being cruise leader, please e-mail Greg.

  • When: November 27-28, 2021
  • Where: Brownville WA

PSCC November cruise – November 27/28 – Brownsville Read More »

PSCC 2022 Cruise Planning Meeting – Live and on Zoom

This is your chance to help create a fun cruising calendar for the club for 2022. We are looking for new cruising ideas to mix in with our classic cruises. We hope to have members from the south sound and north sound chime in so we can be as inclusive as possible for all our members.

PSCC will have our 2022 Cruise Planning meeting at Razzi’s Pizza Greenwood location on Sunday, December 12 2021 at 5:30pm. Per Seattle/King County health requirements all bar and restaurant patrons must be vaccinated and show proof of vaccination. PSCC will provide pizza and beer for the in-person meeting. If you are planning to attend the live meeting, please RSVP by using the contact us form on the Puget Sound Cruising Club website.

For those who can’t attend the in-person meeting, please join via Zoom. We want to hear from cruising members all over Puget Sound. At the meeting we will actively engage with the zoom attendees to make sure we hear from everyone.

If you would like to join our live meeting via Zoom here is the link:

PSCC 2022 Cruise Planning Meeting – Live and on Zoom Read More »

November Club Meeting: The Adventures of Second Wind – from the Salish Sea to the South Pacific, to Alaska and Back

Art and Nancie Shaw spent 25 years gunkholing in the Salish Sea before heading to the South Pacific. Six years, eight countries and 36,000 bluewater miles later they made landfall in Port Townsend, with plenty of stories to share. Their presentation will take you to the waters, islands and people of Oceania, and back home via Alaska.

November Club Meeting: The Adventures of Second Wind – from the Salish Sea to the South Pacific, to Alaska and Back Read More »

PSCC annual pumpkin cruise to Port Madison Oct. 23/24


Our annual pumpkin cruise is on again this year. Cruise over Friday night or Saturday and drop your hook in the charming Port Madison harbor. On Saturday evening carve your pumpkin and show it off to the group. Best pumpkin by group vote wins a $25 West Marine gift card. Please fly your burgee and use VHF 69 for club communication on this cruise. We need a cruise leader for this cruise – if you are interested in being a cruise leader please e-mail Greg.

  • Dates: October 23-24, 2021
  • Where: Port Madison (Bainbridge), near the PMYC docks


PSCC annual pumpkin cruise to Port Madison Oct. 23/24 Read More »

2021 Annual PSCC Tequila Race and Raft-up in Blakely Harbor

PSCC presents the annual Tequila Race on Saturday September 25th . Have your chance to be immortalized on the beautiful club trophy.

The race starts between 9am and 11:30am-ish at West Point buoy. The course continues south for a circumnavigation of Blake Island. See attached race rules and check the PSCC email list for details and questions.

After the race, join the raft-up in Blakley Harbor. Fill out the absurd handicap sheet while sipping fine Jose Cuervo. Results will be tallied and trophy presented Saturday night at the raft-up. This gorgeous trophy can now adorn your mantle until next year’s Tequila Race.

2021 Annual PSCC Tequila Race and Raft-up in Blakely Harbor Read More »

Labor Day Weekend Cruise to Quartermaster Harbor

Our Labor day weekend cruise this September will be to Quartermaster Harbor – Dockton Park. The Dockton Forest is over 460 acres and has 12 miles of hiking trails. We can also take expeditions to Burton and explore the Burton acres and the village.

Please fly your burgee and monitor channel 69. Friday night option is to anchor on the west side of Blake island.

  • Dates: September 4-6, 2021
  • Where: Dockton Park, inside Quartermaster Harbor, Vashon Island.

Labor Day Weekend Cruise to Quartermaster Harbor Read More »