February 21 Meeting: Converting to Lithium Batteries

Jim Shutt, Chris Harry, and Jeff Johnson will lead a discussion on converting your boats’ batteries from Lead Acid to Lithium. A real-life example will be presented, starting with lithium battery advantages and then looking at different charging options. The details of an installation will cover batteries, charger/inverter, controller/monitor, DC-DC charger, alternator protection module, alternator regulator, and solar controller. Questions and discussions are encouraged throughout the presentation.

Some club members will be meeting at Gasworks Brewing around 5pm (before the meeting) for drinks and/or dinner. Anyone who wants to join early is welcome to meet there.

February 21 Meeting: Converting to Lithium Batteries Read More »

PSCC January 17 Meeting: Candy Masters’ World Cruise

Candy and her late husband David Masters bought a 46′ steel yawl in 1987 and completely rebuilt it from the inside out in a warehouse on 14th Ave NW Ballard.

Many thought they would never finish the project but they did manage to sail away in 2005 and then had thirteen lovely years of cruising about the world.

The presentation highlights the acquisition and re-fit, a shakedown cruise to Haida Gwai’i then the Patagonia and European portions of the trip, questions are encouraged!

Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!

PSCC January 17 Meeting: Candy Masters’ World Cruise Read More »

PSCC November Cruise to Bell Harbor

PSCC’s November Cruise/Raft Up is scheduled for November 23/24, the weekend before Thanksgiving, at Bell Harbor Marina in Seattle’s Waterfront.

The Port of Seattle is still suffering from the cyber attack that infected it’s system earlier this summer, thus preventing them from taking reservations. Will and Mike at Bell Harbor Marina suggest if you are planning to bring your vessel for the event to phone them the morning of November 23, 206-462-9567. If your vessel is above average length/width you may want to phone them giving them a “heads up” of your plans.

It’s too early for the Christmas Ships this year but the Seattle Waterfront walkway is now open.

PSCC November Cruise to Bell Harbor Read More »

PSCC November 15 Meeting: Modern Crew Overboard Rescue

Crew overboard rescue is an important concern to all Pacific NW boaters. Fortunately, today there are several techniques and resources to make overboard rescue easier. Margaret Pommert will discuss practical lessons learned from several overboard incidents, and demonstrate/discuss various pieces of MoB equipment.

Margaret has been doing sail training from Puget Sound to the East Coast where she worked with Navy Midshipmen. She has taught women Diesel Maintenance at Skagit Valley College and the Cruisers College program, and worked with the Sailing Foundation and the US Sailing International Offshore Safety at Sea hands-on training.

Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!

PSCC November 15 Meeting: Modern Crew Overboard Rescue Read More »

October 18 Meeting: Sailing on the Adventuress + Cruising Princess Louisa Inlet


  • Sailing on the Adventuress and the Pacific Swift Tallships
    One of our young members will talk about his
    summer sailing on these classic schooners
  • Cruising Princess Louisa Inlet, BC and San Juan’s
    A couple cruised to this idyllic location aboard their Catalina 36


Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!

October 18 Meeting: Sailing on the Adventuress + Cruising Princess Louisa Inlet Read More »

PSCC Pumpkin Cruise to Port Madison (Oct. 26-27)

Please join the Puget Sound Cruising Club for our Pumpkin Cruise to Port Madison, October 26th and 27th.

The club has reserved the Port Madison Yacht Club clubhouse which provides a warm indoor venue for Saturday evening.

Those arriving by boat can raft up in Port Madison on Saturday and there will be a potluck party in the yacht club. Directions here. In past years there has been a pumpkin carving contest as well – feel free to bring a pumpkin if you want to continue this tradition.

If arriving by boat please monitor VHF Channel 69 and fly your club burgee.


PSCC Pumpkin Cruise to Port Madison (Oct. 26-27) Read More »

PSCC Meeting: September 20 – Cruiser Panel + Q&A

PSCC’s “calendar cycle” resumes with monthly meetings in September, and with that we also have a new Commodore to announce!  PSCC member Jim Shutt will be stepping into the Commodore role. Thanks Jim for volunteering!

New PSCC Commodore Jim Shutt

September 20 meeting – Cruiser Panel (3 short presentations) + Q&A:

  • When: September 20 2024 at 7:00pm PDT.
  • Where: Puget Sound Yacht Club | 2321 N Northlake Way, Seattle, WA 98103
  • Google Maps directions
  • Zoom Link: TBD


  • Jim Shutt will present on his Gulf Islands trip, on SV Apropos, a Hans Christian 43T.
    Summary from Jim: “My summer cruise was 2 weeks in the Gulf Islands aboard our Hans Christian 43. We went as far north as Thetis Island and visited some of our favorite anchorages on Salt Spring, Galiano, North Pender as well as a few stops on Vancouver Island. U.S. ports included Port Townsend, Stuart Island, and San Juan Island.”


  • John & Gerri of SV Charlie will present on their trip to Alaska in 2024. In their own words:
    “We left Ballard May 15th 2024 on S/V Charlie and returned to Ballard Sept 8th. We learned a lot about our boat, what works and what needs to be addressed and one very unexpected breakdown with cascading consequences.”


  • Chris & Julie of SV Morning Star, a Catalina 36, will present on their trip to Princess Louisa Inlet, BC and the San Juan Islands.


Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!

PSCC Meeting: September 20 – Cruiser Panel + Q&A Read More »

Salmon Bake Cruise June 29-30; No club meeting on June 21

We’ll be skipping the June 21 club meeting this month, but hope you can join us for the salmon bake cruise at Port Madison on June 29-30!

Full details on the salmon bake can be found on the email list – please RSVP there by Monday June 24.

The salmon bake will be at Hidden Cove Park on Bainbridge Island (Port Madison) on Saturday June 29th.

By boat:
We raft-up South of Treasure Island, in Port Madison, on Bainbridge Island and dinghy in to Hidden Cove Park. From the water, the park is between the Seattle Yacht Club outstation and the Port Madison Yacht Club docks. If you need a ride, someone with a dinghy will help. Call on VHF 16 or 69 We will be rafting up for those comfortable with it. We try to get a spot towards the south end of SYC. Some of us may be there Friday night and stay through Sunday. We’re going to have pot luck breakfast at 9:30 on both Saturday and Sunday.

By car:
The park is reserved Saturday from 3 to 7 pm. Show up anytime you want. We will start setting up from 3 to 4; happy hour will be 4 to 5, dinner will be 5 to 6 pm and clean up 6 to 7 pm. Any one traveling by car or truck to this event and doesn’t mind picking up something let me know.



Salmon Bake Cruise June 29-30; No club meeting on June 21 Read More »

May Meeting: At the whim of the ocean: Tactical sailing, moments of awe, and startling vulnerability

Come hear the details from newlyweds Daniel and Rebecca Lewis of their journey aboard Gypsy a 1979 36 foot Islander Freeport, designed by Bob Perry. It has a fin keel and a skeg hung rudder.

Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!

May Meeting: At the whim of the ocean: Tactical sailing, moments of awe, and startling vulnerability Read More »

April Cruise: Annual Circumlocution of Bainbridge Island

Join us for the 38th Annual Circumlocution of Bainbridge Island this April 27th and 28th. This is a fun annual tradition that includes prizes for 2nd place, a perseverance award, and hors d’oeuvres contest (Horrors, D’Hoovers) so bring your best appetizer. Race rules, (based on 2023 rules – credit to Steve Hulsizer!) are below. If you’re planning to attend or even just tentative, let us know on the PSCC mailing list.



Race Rules:




The Office of Circumlocution is proud to present


at 1000 hours, 27 April, 2024, on a line true west from the West Point lighthouse and east of the VTS lanes. The debates will be argued initially upwind from this line, then the Masters of vessels who have mangled the administration of issues may choose to sail either north or south. Boats heading north must leave the “SF” buoy on the far left as described below in Para 11, before heading to Agate Pass, and shall be prepared to discuss the possible effects of global warming. Boats heading south around Bainbridge Island have no marks and leave no traces. The determination of the most clueless administrators will be made under the power lines just past Keyport Naval Station and Underwater Weapons Research Center.

There will be three Platforms for Debate. 1) Smaller craft and gray double-enders under 38 feet LOA (former Trump Cabinet members who were, will be, or are subpoenaed). 2) Half-fast, in mid-size craft (former administrators hoping to live in obscurity). 3) Larger and/or those who think they are really fast (former Cabinet members who claim the Biden administrators stole their cushy jobs).

The first platform will start at 1000, the second at 1015, and the third at 1030. Boats with more than one hull must wait 15 additional minutes for each additional hull.

The Debates will be monitored by the Florida Governor DeSantis who will dash out Disney World to sound a single long horn blast at each plank laying session except for the multiple hull boats. Protests must be registered in advance the night before with Supreme Court Justice in Waiting Ginni Thomas.

The following are frowned upon and are grounds for public scorn:
Failing to have at least one sail up starting and finishing.
Use of internal combustion engine(s).
Failing to sail the entire course on your bottom in your bottom.
Failing to navigate the entire selected course.
Failing to display a PSCC burgee.

The HIGHEST and MOST VALUED Award will be given for SECOND PLACE. First across will be proclaimed by unanimous consent as Commodore for the 2024-2025 year.

An award will be given for the BEST HORROR D’HOOVER. Judgment will be by secret negotiations in the Raft-up described below.

An award will be given for PERSEVERANCE. To qualify the vessel must cross the Finish Line prior to 0001 hours on 28 April, 2024.

The Nominating Convention will be a Raft-up for all boats north of Lemolo in Liberty Bay. Powerboats with dance floors are encouraged to attend. The Raft-up will be the base of the HORRORS D’HOOVER Contest and the Awards Ceremonies.

As always, good candidates never travel in the middle of the nautical road. Cross the middle of the nautical road quickly. See DBT COMDTINST M16672.2 Rule 10 (c). With regard to Buoy SF, you must stay east of the traffic lane until Buoy SF is past your beam before crossing to the west side. Do not impede or force a WSF ferry or other large or government vessels in Rich Passage (considered a narrow channel) to stop or change course.

As directed by the DBT, in accordance with dicta from the Lesser State of Washington, debaters must stay at least 1000 yards ahead, behind, or abeam of any Southern Resident Orca (SRO). The Commodore for Life, Jack Tar, meows his assent.

The above paragraphs are to be taken seriously, as there are many NVOs (Non Vessel Owners) who oppose mere citizens using public waterways.

Note a new hazard in Rich Passage. In mid-April, 2023, a green and white hippopotamus came out of the woods and mucked about on a sand bar. With its enormous mouth, it is capable of eating small ships. It particularly likes sailboats because they come complete with toothpicks and dental floss. Note that these green and white hippopotamuses have enormous mouths on both ends of the body. Many of these beasts live in the shallow and muddy waters of Eagle Harbor.


April Cruise: Annual Circumlocution of Bainbridge Island Read More »