April Meeting: Rachel Wold Presents the NANOOS Boaters App for Marine Passage Planning

Know Before You Go: Using Networked Ocean Observing Data to Plan a Safe Trip

Join us for the April 19 PSCC meeting where Rachel Wold will be presenting on the NVS online portal which helps plan your marine passages with charts and weather information.

 Speaker Bio: Rachel Wold has taught navigation, participated in USCG Auxiliary safety cruises, and piloted boats through the Inside Passage. She works in ocean science at the UW Applied Physics Lab leading cruises to monitor water quality. Combining her boating and science backgrounds, she is currently Outreach Chair for the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS), demonstrating the NANOOS Boaters App to recreational boaters and collecting feedback to enhance usability.

NVS Application Details: Weather and sea surface conditions in the Pacific Northwest are highly variable so mariners need accurate and up to date information when planning their next trip on the water. The Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS), part of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), provides these near-real time observations and forecasts. The NANOOS Visualization System (NVS) is a free online portal with applications developed for the maritime community.

Learn how to use the NVS Boaters App’s networked ocean observing data and other tools like digital NOAA nautical charts, routing capabilities and marina information to safely navigate our waters.

  • When: April 19 2024 at 7:00pm PDT.
  • Where: Puget Sound Yacht Club | 2321 N Northlake Way, Seattle, WA 98103
  • Google Maps directions
  • Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting
  • Jeff (SV Boog) will be running this meeting.

Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!

April Meeting: Rachel Wold Presents the NANOOS Boaters App for Marine Passage Planning Read More »

March Meeting: Family of 5 on SV GenM Adventures in Mexico

A family of five set out on a custom KHSD45 named GenM for a fantastic year or two of Mexico adventure in 2019. Then Covid happened and they stayed four years. Join us for our March meeting and hear all about their cruising adventures in Mexico.

Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!

March Meeting: Family of 5 on SV GenM Adventures in Mexico Read More »

PSCC February Cruise to Port Orchard Marina

The February PSCC cruise will be to Port Orchard marina on February 23+24, with Scott and Donna on SV Celestial as cruise leaders.

The marina has a floating, covered event tent and if I can get a rollcall of how many boats plan on attending, I can reserve slips very close to the tent. If any of you have a portable propane heater that would be great. The marina has some to rent if necessary.

There are several nice restaurants in the cute little town and a foot ferry across to Bremerton with a waterfront park and a really good FREE history museum of the Naval Ship Yard.

Please let me know if you can make it (Scott+Donna’s email available on the PSCC member email list) and include names and boat names and if you would like a reservation near the event.

Let’s fly our burgees!

Photos from the Cruise:

Donna reports: “We had 14 people at the Friday dinner, 20 people at Saturday night, and 14 again at Sunday breakfast potluck. A visit to the free Naval museum in Bremerton was only a $2 ferry ride ($1 for sr citizens).”

PSCC February Cruise to Port Orchard Marina Read More »

PSCC February Meeting: Jim and Barbara Cole Cruising the Eastern Mediterranean

Jim and Barbara Cole own Complexity, a 36-foot Halberg Rassy. They sailed away from Shilshole Bay Marina in Seattle on 21 June 2008 and have since been exploring the world from their boat. Complexity is enjoying a well deserved winter rest in a dry berth in Malta while they visit family and friends in the USA.

Barbara and Jim’s last PSCC presentation was about their passage from Southeast Asia to the Med via the Red Sea in 2020. They thought major challenges would be storms in the Indian Ocean, Somali pirates, uncharted reefs in the Red Sea, and crew relations on a tiny boat for such a long time. Instead, the biggest challenge was being “stranded at sea” for 78 days after all international borders along their route closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the PSCC meeting on 16 February 2024 Barbara and Jim will make a presentation about the next chapter of their cruising life. They spent the past three sailing seasons living and cruising in the eastern Med including Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, and Malta. They explored ashore from their boat in all of those countries plus England, Scotland, Iceland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, North. Macedonia, and Kosovo.

Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!

PSCC February Meeting: Jim and Barbara Cole Cruising the Eastern Mediterranean Read More »

January Meeting: PSCC Flotilla to Barkley Sound from Summer 2023

On January 19th the participants of the 2nd annual PSCC flotilla will be presenting the exploits of our 3 week trip from Seattle to Barkley Sound last summer. This was a big adventure for some of us, as it involved going out into the big ocean! Join us to see how it went, and maybe you will want to join us on the next flotilla!

Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!

January Meeting: PSCC Flotilla to Barkley Sound from Summer 2023 Read More »

PSCC New Years Eve Cruise to Blakely Harbor

The PSCC December cruise is to Blakely Harbor for New Years Eve. The trip is 7.3 NM from Shilshole. Dana on S/V Rubigale is cruise leader and will probably arrive Sat Dec 30 to stake our claim on the anchorage.

Photo Copyright Lee Youngblood, 2018.

The Basics

Arrive December 31 before dark and plan to anchor-raft up with the group. If you have a dinghy with a decent sized motor that could be helpful for getting people into position/dinghying out anchors. I would prefer that we have an anchor out for every 2 boats in the raft in opposite directions to prevent swing and crossing anchors.

  • The anchorage is mostly 25-35’ in depth. Low tide is 1:39am Jan 1 at 0.61 ft and a corresponding high at 9:02am at 12.14 ft.
  • Plan on hors d’oevres and visiting just before sunset which is 4:29:05pm, then back to your own boat for dinner.
  • 7:30p games are available or just mingling if you prefer. I have Cards Against Humanity, Trivial Pursuit, Uno, Phase 10, Mexican Train (dominoes) and Yahtzee for multiplayer and assorted 2 player games as well.
  • Midnight- watch Seattle fireworks and toast to 2024!
  • On Jan 1 plan on breaking the raft at noon which leaves plenty of time to get home before dark.

Please let Dana know (her email is on the PSCC email list message) if you plan to attend, how many people, your length, and if you can be an anchor boat. Please put out fenders and have lines ready on both sides.

We’ll be monitoring channel 72.


Photos from the successful cruise!:

PSCC New Years Eve Cruise to Blakely Harbor Read More »

PSCC December Meeting: Captain Tuuli Messer-Bookman

Join us for the PSCC monthly meeting on December 15th for a talk by Captain Tuuli Messer-Bookman.

Capt. Tuuli Messer-Bookman grew up aboard wooden sailboats in picturesque Sausalito, California. Her parents, both teachers, lived aboard for over thirty years. In 1986, Tuuli graduated from the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York. After several years of working as a ship’s officer aboard commercial cargo ships, she earned her U.S. Coast Guard Unlimited Tonnage Oceans Master’s license. She has sailed over 300,000 sea miles as a ship’s officer. She returned shoreside and earned her law degree at the University of San Francisco, School of Law and is a (non-active) member of the California State Bar. After law school she started teaching at California Maritime Academy, where she taught all aspects of navigation and was the lead instructor for U.S. Coast Guard license exam preparation for the Academy’s senior cadets. She was also a certified assessor for navigational watchstanding in the Academy’s state-of-the-art full-mission ship simulator. After 23 years at Cal Maritime, she retired in 2018 and moved to Gig Harbor, WA with her husband Barry.

She writes for various maritime publications and is the author of three books: Maritime Casualties: Causes and Consequences, the Master’s Handbook on Ship’s Business, 3rd ed. and Close Quarters: A Woman’s Guide to Living and Working in Masculine Environments. She has worked as a maritime consultant and expert witness on over 100 cases since 1995 and has testified on maritime matters in both state and federal courts. Capt. Messer-Bookman is a member of the Nautical Institute, the Propeller Club, the Navy League, the U.S. Power Squadron, and is the Education co-chair at Tacoma Yacht Club. She also teaches the 100 Ton course at Compass Courses in Edmonds, WA. Capt. Messer-Bookman and her husband enjoy boating aboard their trawler Gooso, playing with their two dogs, and fixing up neat old things together.

Meetings are held every third Friday of the month at the Puget Sound Yacht Club. The meeting is open to all, but we do ask for a $5 donation at the door to help pay for the venue and club expenses. Zoom attendees can make a donation by Paypal or credit/debit card here. We look forward to seeing you there!


Sheri shared photos from the December meeting which had a surprise visit by Santa!:

PSCC December Meeting: Captain Tuuli Messer-Bookman Read More »

November Cruise to Bell Harbor (Nov 25/26)

Our November cruise to Bell Harbor corresponds to the evening the Seattle Christmas Ships with the Dickens Carolers will be on Elliott Bay… and you can join the parade on your boat, or just enjoy them from shore. How perfect is that?!?

Christmas Ships and Carolers:

The Christmas Ships 1st sailing will be 2-3:30 PM from Pier 55.

  • They will sail by Bell Harbor between 2-2:30 and 3-3:30. So if you’re already in guest slip, you could just watch them go by from the pier.
  • The Dickens Carolers will be performing 2:35-2:55 PM at the Olympic Sculpture Park (0.6 mile from Bell Harbor; easy sail or walk)
  • The Christmas Ships 2nd sailing will be 8-9:30 with the same carolers, going to Salty’s at Alki Beach Park (only 1.6 nm from Bell Harbor, but … probably for most of us past cruiser’s midnight)

Bell Harbor:

PSCC has 10 slips reserved for 1 night (November 25). Margaret is the cruise leader (see the pscclist for her contact and to RSVP).

    No exceptions; this is a very popular time to be there and they will fill up.
  • Bell Harbor contact is Michael Cink, (206) 787-3951, Cink.M@PortSeattle.org

The Plan:

  • Make a reservation, send me an email (RSVP required) to let me (Margaret) know:
    1) Name of your boat, # on board, cell phone if you’re coming by boat. If you’re coming by land, that’s great too, please just give me a heads up.
    2) what you’d like to bring to a potluck dinner that evening (optional, but it’s impossible to get a group reservation for dinner that night)
  • Arrive when you like on Saturday afternoon
  • Anyone wanting to walk together to Olympic Sculpture Park to hear carolers: meet on dock 1:45
  • Boats wanting to join/follow the Christmas ships: meet outside the harbor entrance at 2 p.m.
  • (Optional) potluck dinner on board/dock 6:30 PM. Please bring your own eating utensils etc.
  • Sunday Brunch choices: Café Opla (Vietnamese) across street, Pike Place Market, or on your own
  • Depart late Sunday morning.

This is going to be a great holiday event; come join your PSCC friends!

Cruise Report:

The club had a great cruise to Bell Harbor with Christmas ships and potluck, with 5 boats showing up and over 15 people! A couple photos shared by Margaret:

November Cruise to Bell Harbor (Nov 25/26) Read More »

PSCC Cruise Planning Dinner (December 3)

Cruise Planning Dinner

  • Sunday December 3 from 4:30pm till we’re done.
  • At Steve & Elsie’s house
  • Email Commodore Sheri at sv.pangea2022@gmail.com for details.

Arrive at 4:30 for drinks and appetizers. Main meal at 5:30. We’ll start the scheduling at 6:30.

We will have a Puget Sound chart taped to dining room doors and an easel in the living room by the fireplace🔥. Sight lines are good anywhere in room.

Elsie will make a couple pots of spaghetti sauce, one with meat and another vegetarian. We will have pasta as well.

Please bring appetizers, salads, French bread, desserts, et cetera. Please call or e-mail Elsie a couple a days ahead with what you’re bringing so we don’t end up with seventeen plates of salad.

Commodore, Shilshole Sheri and the crew of SV Discovery will be on hand to set up, maybe a couple more hands would be nice.

PSCC Cruise Planning Dinner (December 3) Read More »

PSCC 50th Anniversary Potluck Party – November 17th

Come One Come All 🎊

November 17th meeting at a new time (6pm) for sit down dinner together!

  • When: Friday November 17th 2023 at 6:00pm PDT.
  • Location: Puget Sound Yacht Club | 2321 N Northlake Way, Seattle, WA 98103 (Google Maps directions)
  • $10 admission only this meeting.

As your commodore, Sheri is hosting the party potluck style to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of this talented group of sailors.

  • Ham as the main dish.🐷
  • Potluck for the side dishes. Consider some of our group is vegan.🥗 Please tell me your side dish when you RSVP.
  • Of course there will be cake – Carrot and chocolate. 🍰Feel free to bring your own dessert if you’d rather.
  • Beer and wine will be available.🍻🥂

This is a great time to bring new friends in to gather with us (recruiting event for sure) and see why we are the best cruising club in the region!

We will also have another family of sailors come and talk about their very recent adventure in Mexico for 4 years. More details on this to come.

I am grateful to hold the position of commodore and I look forward to celebrating PSCC with you.

Please RSVP to sv.pangea2022@gmail.com as soon as possible so I can buy enough ham.

PSCC 50th Anniversary Potluck Party – November 17th Read More »